Pastoral Boundaries

Rev. Dr. Ann L. Rosewall, Interim Pastor at FMC, gave an overview of the topics addressed in Boundary Training for all pastors. She covered the boundary issues of: handling money, power in the pulpit, friendships in the congregation, sexuality/intimacy, time, and separation from the congregation when the pastorate is complete. You can view the recorded session as well as the PowerPoint presentation on the links below.

Presentation Slide

Session Video

Dutch Golden Age: Mennonite to the Core

Lauren Friesen, David M French Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan, presented “The Dutch Golden Age: Mennonite to the Core.” The Dutch Golden Age was an era when the visual arts, medicine, business, education, theatre, poetry, theology, and publication flourished. Mennonites were deeply engaged with all these disciplines. This illustrated presentation will cover the basic contours of the Mennonite involvement. Rembrandt (painting), Nicolas Bidloo (medicine), Joost von den Vondel (drama), and the founder of the Golden Age: Carel von Mander received special attention.

Tom Mauser

Tom Mauser spoke about gun violence prevention. Tom is the father of Daniel Mauser, one of the students killed at Columbine High School. Tom became a gun violence prevention advocate following that tragedy. He took a one-year leave of absence from his job to work as a lobbyist in the Colorado legislature to fight for stronger gun laws. Tom’s work was recognized by President Bill Clinton in his last State of the Union address in 2000, and he has conducted countless media interviews. Tom is a board member of Colorado Ceasefire and serves as its spokesman. He’s the author of Walking in Daniel’s Shoes, an account of his experiences following the Columbine tragedy.

Colorado Circles for Change

FMC outreach grant recipient and building partner Colorado Circles for Change gave an update on their growing programs and the impact they are having across Denver. Angell Perez, CCFC Executive Director, also shared details about their upcoming 25th anniversary celebration.

25th Anniversary Celebration:

Click here for the video about the Hueliti participant trip to Puerto Rico.