Pledging for 2025 Ministry Plan

In joy and gratitude for God’s abundance!

Over the last year, the FMC congregation has given of its time, talents, and treasures, which are all needed to sustain and build a church community. Right now, we ask you to think about your financial pledge for 2025. In the next few months, you will have the opportunity to pledge your time with the Time and Talents survey. Start thinking about the ways you would like to share your time, energy, and/or expertise with the FMC community!

The Finance team has been busy putting together our 2025 Ministry Plan (budget). We invite current givers to renew their contributions. We also welcome new givers and new pledgers to participate in this part of congregational life. Please begin praying about this now and plan to return your pledge form by Saturday, November 23, in one of these ways:

  1. Email the church at

  2. Complete the form below

  3. Print the form (at this link) and mail to the church office (430 W 9th Ave, Denver CO 80204)

Please join the Leadership Board and Finance Committee for Congregational Meetings at FMC to receive information about the 2025 budget.