March 30, 2025

Sunday Service Information

9:30am Worship Service: In-Person and Livestream

Join us in the Sanctuary for in-person worship. Watch the livestream at the top of this page.

10:45am Fellowship hour at FMC

If you would like to watch the worship service from home, return to this page on Sunday morning. The Sunday service video will be at the top of the page. Press play to start the video.

In-Person Worship: What to Expect

In planning in-person worship, the goal has been to provide a safe environment where all are welcome to come and engage in meaningful, healing, worshipful, and community-building Sunday morning activities.

  • Enter the building using the main doors on 9th Ave

  • You will be greeted by an usher

  • Collect a bulletin on your way into the Sanctuary

  • Wearing a mask is optional; the church has a supply on hand if you would like one

  • If you or someone in your household is feeling sick with COVID or flu symptoms, please stay home, rest, and recover well

Sunday Mornings at FMC

Worship 9:30am / Education Hour 10:45am

Worship brings the congregation together to sing, share, pray, reflect, and learn. FMC works to make sure a variety of voices take the stage to share through worship leading, song leading, playing music, and preaching.

Christian education includes opportunities for people ages 2 to 103 to engage the Bible through study, discussion, and reflection; to learn about issues and organizations important to FMC and the community; to grow spiritually; and to build relationships through fellowship.

Sunday, March 30

Worship: Rev. Ann Rosewall

Finding and Keeping


Wednesday, April 18


Worship: Rev. Ann Rosewall

Sunday, April 6

Worship: Glenda Kauffman

The Good Samaritan


Sunday, April 20


Worship: Rev. Ann Rosewall

Sunday, April 13


Worship: Rev. Ann Rosewall

Kings and Servants


Sunday, April 27

Worship: Rev. Ann Rosewall