The children and youth of FMC led us in worship for the second Sunday of Advent.
Scripture: Mark 1:1-8
Today’s Music:
“O Come, All Ye Faithful”
Text: John F Wade (1743) and Office de St Omer (1822); tr. Frederick Oakeley (1841), Etienne JF Borderies (1822), and William Mercer (1844); Music: attributed to John F Wade, 1743; Public Domain
“Sing a Different Song”
Text: The Iona Community; Music: John L Bell; ©1987 WGRG The Iona Community (Scotland). Used by permission of GIA Publications.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“What Child is This”
Text: William C Dix, 1865; Music: Traditional English Melody; Public Domain
“Go Tell it on the Mountain”
Text & Music: African-American spiritual; Public Domain
“Joy to the World”
Text: Isaac Watts, 1719; Music: “From Handel,” Lowell Mason, 1836; Public Domain
“Oh, Beautiful Star of Bethlehem”
Text: Adger M Pace, 1940; Music: R Fisher Boyce, 1940; harmonized by Adger M Pace; All rights reserved.; Streamed and reprinted by permission through CCLI License #200093153.
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”
Text: Charles Wesley and others, 1739; Music: Felix Mendelssohn, 1840; adapted by William H Cummings, 1855; Public Domain