Pastor Glenn will preach from Luke 15:1-3, 11-32.
Acknowledgements for Worship Resources
“Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling”
Music: Will L Thompson, Sparkling Gems Nos. 1 & 2 Combined, 1880
“Here I Am, Lord”
Music: Daniel L Schutte; arr. Michael Pope, SJ, and John Wiessrock; ©1981 Daniel L Schutte and New Dawn Music; All rights reserved. Streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“Come, Let Us All Unite to Sing”
Text: anon., ca. 1812, Millennial Praises, 1812; Music: Edmund S Lorenz, Notes of Triumph: For the Sunday School, 1886
“Come, let us celebrate the forgiving, reconciling love of God”
By Nancy Townley
“Gentle Shepherd, Come and Lead Us”
Text: Gloria Gaither; Music: William J Gaither; ©1974 William J Gaither; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through CCLI License #200093153
“Come and See”
Text: Marilyn Houser Hamm, 1974, Sing and Rejoice, 1979; adapt. from Greek and Latin liturgies; Music: Marilyn Houser Hamm, 1974, Sing and Rejoice, 1979; ©1974 Marilyn Houser Hamm; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
Where Does God Live?
Written by Holly Bea; illustrated by Kim Howard; published by HJ Kramer, 1997
“Far, Far Away / I Will Arise”
Text: based on Luke 15:1-24; vers. anon., “The Prodigal son,” Gospel Songs, 1874; Music: American traditional, Southern Harmony, 1835; harm. Charles H Webb
“Hymn of Promise”
Music: Natalie Sleeth, 1986; arr. John Carter, 1995; ©1986 and this arrangement ©1995 New Hope Publishing Company; All rights reserved. Streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“We Are People of God’s Peace”
Text: based on Menno Simons, Reply to False Accusations, 1552; stanzas 1, 3, 4 vers. David Augsburger, 1978; adapt. Esther Bergen, 1990; Music: Johann Horn, Ein Gesangbuch der Brüder im Behemen und Merherrn, 1544; rev. In Catholicum Hymnologium Germanicum, 1584; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“To God Be the Glory”
Text: Fanny J Crosby, Brightest and Best, 1875; Music: William H Doane, Brightest and Best, 1875
“The Prodigal Son” by Kaye Redman (