Darren Knowles will preach from Luke 9:51-62 about Jesus and the nomads.
Acknowledgements for Worship Resources
“God Bless the Child”
By Billie Holiday and Arthur Herzog Jr, 1942
“I Sing the Mighty Power of God”
Text: Isaac Watts, Divine and Moral Songs for Children, 1715, alt.; Music: Gesangbuch der Herzogl, Württemberg, 1784; harm. William H Monk, Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1868
“From where we are to where you need us”
By Wild Goose Worship Group, 2000
“As I Went Down to the River to Pray”
Text & Music: African American spiritual
“I Sought the Lord”
Text: Holy Songs, Carols, and Sacred Ballads, 1880; Music: J Harold Moyer, 1965, The Mennonite Hymnal, ©1969 Faith & Life Press/Mennonite Publishing House; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“Wayfaring Stranger”
Text & Music: American traditional
“Tú has venido a la orilla (Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore)”
Text: Spanish; Cesáreo Gabaráin; trans. composite Gertrude C Suppe, George Lockwood IV, Raquel Gutiérrez-Achon, Willard F Jabusch, alt.; Music: Cesáreo Gabaráin, 1979, Dios con nosotros, ©1979 Cesáreo Gabaráin and Ediciones Paulinas (admin. OCP Publications); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”
Text: Horatius N Bonar, Hymns Original and Selected, 1846, alt.; Music: English traditional, English Country Songs, 1893; adapt. And harm. Ralph Vaughan Williams, The English Hymnal, 1906, alt.