Darren Knowles will preach from Deuteronomy 8:11-18.
Acknowledgements for Worship Resources
“As I Went Down to the River to Pray”
Text & Music: African American spiritual
“This Little Light of Mine”
Text & Music: African American traditional, ca. 20th c.
“Let’s Walk Together”
Text: Laurie Zelman; Music: Mark A Miller; ©2007 Abingdon Press; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“My Hope Is Built”
Text: Edward Mote, ca. 1834, Hymns of Praise: A New Selection of Gospel Hymns, 1836, alt.; Music: William B Bradbury, 1863, Devotional Hymn and Tune Book, 1864
“Lord, I Am Fondly, Earnestly Longing”
Text: Elisha A Hoffman, Church and Sunday School Hymnal, 1902, alt.; Music: Charles E Pollock, Church and Sunday School Hymnal, 1902
“We have wilderness and dry land”
By Ann Siddall, adapted
“We Shall Walk through the Valley”
Text: African American spiritual; Music: African American spiritual; adapt. William Appling, ©1970 World Library Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“We Shall Overcome”
Text: African American traditional; adapt. Zilphia Horton, Frank Hamilton, Guy Carawan, and Pete Seeger; inspired by Charles Tindley, “I’ll Overcome Some Day,” 1900, members of the Food & Tobacco Workers Union, Charleston, South Carolina, and the civil rights movement in the American South, 20th c.; Music: African American traditional; adapt. Zilphia Horton, Frank Hamilton, Guy Carawan, and Pete Seeger
“Silence My Soul”
Text: Rabindranath Tagore; Seong-Won Park; Music: Francisco F Feliciano
“There Is More Love Somewhere”
Text & Music: African American traditional
“Guide My Feet”
Text: African American spiritual; Music: African American spiritual; harm. Wendell Whalum, ca. 1984, ©Estate of Wendell Whalum; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
Text: Charles Wesley, Hymns for Those That Seek…, 1747; Music: John Zundel, Christian Heart Songs, 1870