Pastor Glenn will preach from Matthew 4:1-3, when Jesus went on a sabbatical.
Acknowledgements for Worship Resources
“Sinfonia” from Cantata BWV 29
Music: JS Bach; arr. Michael Aston; ©2006 Oxford University Press
“Over My Head”
Text: African American spiritual; Music: African American spiritual; arr. John L Bell, alt.; ©1998 WGRG, Iona Community (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“My Soul Cries Out”
Text: based on Luke 1:46-55; Rory Cooney; Music: Irish traditional; arr. Rory Cooney; ©1990 GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“Je louerai l’Éternel (Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord)”
Text: French; based on Psalm 9:1-2; Claude Frayssé; English trans. Kenneth I Morse, 1988, English trans. ©1989 Hymnal: A Worship Book; Music: Claude Frayssé; harm. Alain Bergése, 1976; acc. Marilyn Houser Hamm; ©1975 Claude Frayssé; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“In defiance of corruption and falsehood”
By John van de Laar, 2009
“Jesus Loves Me”
Text: Anna B Warner, 1859; Music: William B Bradbury, The Golden Shower, 1862
Text: Latin; Luke 2:14; Music: Jacques Berthier, ©1979 Les Presses de Taizé (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“Jesus, Help Us Live in Peace”
Text & Music: Jerry Derstine (JD Martin); ©1971, 2004 Jerry Derstine (JD Martin); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“Le Jardin de Dolly Op. 56 No. 3”
Music: Gabriel Fauré; ©2003 Alfred Publishing Co, Inc
“You Are Salt for the Earth”
Text & Music: Marty Haugen, 1985, Gather, 1988; ©1986 GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084