
Pastor Glenn preached from Ephesians 6:10-20. Being a superhero for Jesus sounds kind of cool.

Worship Resources Acknowledgements

“Some trust in governments”
Written by Isaac Villegas, 2019; based on Psalms 20:7; 24:1; Luke 4:18-19; Amos 5:24

“Summoned by the God Who Made Us”
Text: Delores Dufner, OSB, ©1993 Delores Dufner (published by OCP); Music: American traditional, in John Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, 1813; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Jesus Loves Me”
Text: Anna B Warner, 1859; Music: William B Bradbury, The Golden Shower, 1862

Text: Hebrew traditional, ca. 4th c. BC; translit. Greek, ca. 3rd c. BC; Music: from the singing of George Mxadana; transcr. John L Bell, transcr. ©1990 WGRG, Iona Community (admin. GIA Publications); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
Text: Joseph M Scriven, 1855, Spirit Minstrel: A Collection of Hymns and Music, 1857, alt.; Music: Charles C Converse, 1868, Silver Wings, 1870

“Be Thou My Vision”
Text: Irish traditional, “Rob tum o bhoile, a Comdi cride,” ca. 8th c.; trans. Mary Elizabeth Byrne, Ériu, Vol. 2, 1905, alt.; Music: Irish traditional, Old Irish Folk Music and Songs, 1909; harm. Martin Shaw, Enlarged Songs of Praise, 1931, alt., ©1927 Oxford University Press; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Wonderful Grace of Jesus”
Text & Music: Haldor Lillenas, Northfield Hymnal No. 3, 1918; Arrangement: John Carter, ©2010 Hope Publishing Company

“For the Beauty of the Earth”
Text: Folliott S Pierpoint, Lyra Eucharistica, 1864, alt.; Music: Conrad Kocher, Stimmen aus dem Reiche Gottes, 1838; adapt. William H Monk, Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861


Pastor Glenn preached from 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14 with a sermon titled “Complicated”.

Worship Resources Acknowledgements

Von fremden Ländern und Menschen, Op. 15 No. 1
Composed by Robert Schumann, 1838

“To God Be the Glory”
Music: William H Doane, Brightest and Best, 1875; Arrangement: Mark Hayes, ©2006 Lorenz Publishing Co.; All rights reserved. Streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“For the Healing of the Nations”
Text: Fred Kaan, 1965, alt., ©1968 Hope Publishing Co.; Music: Henry T Smart, Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship, 1867; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“To God Be the Glory”
Text: Fanny J Crosby, Brightest and Best, 1875; Music: William H Doane, Brightest and Best, 1875

“From where we are to where you need us”
Written by Wild Goose Worship Group, 2000

“Peace to You”
Music: Sally Ann Morris, ©2017 GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved. Streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“There Are Many Gifts”
Music: Patricia Shelly, 1976, Many Gifts, 1977; ©1977 Patricia Shelly; All rights reserved. Streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Fairest Lord Jesus”
Music: Crusaders’ Hymn from Schlesische Volkslieder, 1842; Arrangement: John Carter, ©2010 Hope Publishing Company; All rights reserved. Streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Take My Life, and Let It Be”
Text: Frances R Havergal, Songs of Grace and Glory, Appendix, 1874; Music: Henri Abraham César Malan, 1827; harm. Lowell Mason, Carmina Sacra, 1841

“Come, We That Love”
Text: Isaac Watts, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1707, alt; refrain Robert Lowry; Music: Robert Lowry, 1867, The Victory, 1869

“Praise God” (Dedication Anthem)
Text: Thomas Ken, A Manual of Prayers…, 1695, alt.; Music: Lowell Mason’s Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collection…, 9th ed., 1830

Ephesians 4:25-5:2

Pastor Claudia preached from Ephesians 4:25-5:2.

Worship Resources Acknowledgements

“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
Music: American traditional, in John Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, 1813; Arrangement: John Carter, ©2003 Hope Publishing Co.; All rights reserved. Streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084


The Last Spring Op. 34, No. 2
Composed by Edvard Grieg, 1881


“Marching to Zion”
Music: Robert Lowry, 1867, The Victory, 1869; Arrangement: Pepper Choplin, ©2006 The Lorenz Publishing Corp.; All rights reserved. Streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084


“Holy Spirit, Come with Power”
Text: Anne Neufeld Rupp, ©1970 Anne Neufeld Rupp; Music: attr. BF White, The Sacred Harp, 1844; harm. Joan Fyock Norris, ©1989 Joan Fyock Norris; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Abide with Me”
Text: Henry F Lyte, 1847, Remains of Henry Francis Lyte, 1850, alt.; Music: William H Monk, Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861


“Guide My Feet”
Text: African American spiritual; Music: African American spiritual; harm. Wendell Whalum, ca. 1984, ©Estate of Wendell Whalum; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084


Romance sans paroles Op. 17, No. 3
Composed by Gabriel Fauré, 1878

“Blessed Assurance”
Text: Fanny J Crosby, Gems of Praise, 1873, alt.; Music: Phoebe P Knapp, Gems of Praise, 1873


“I Sing the Mighty Power of God”
Text: Isaac Watts, Divine and Moral Songs for Children, 1715; Music: Gesangbuch der Herzogl, 1784; harmonized William H Monk, Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1868

Relationship Status

Pastor Glenn preached from John 6:24-35 with a sermon titled “Relationship Status.” Christianity is not so much about developing a philosophy of living as it is about relationship.

Acknowledgements for Worship Resources

“For the Beauty of the Earth”
Music: Conrad Kocher; Arrangement: John Carter, ©2007 Hope Publishing Company; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“It Is Well With My Soul”
Music: Philip P Bliss; Arrangement: John Purifoy, ©2013 Hal Leonard Corporation; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Brethren, We Have Met to Worship”
Music: Holy Manna by William Moore; Arrangement: Eugene Butler, ©2002 Lorenz Publishing Co.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Come, We That Love”
Text: Isaac Watts, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1707, alt; refrain Robert Lowry; Music: Robert Lowry, 1867, The Victory, 1869

“To God Be the Glory”
Text: Fanny J Crosby, Brightest and Best, 1875; Music: William H Doane, Brightest and Best, 1875

“Some of us are exhausted”
Written by Joanna Harader, ©2012

“Bless the Arms That Comfort”
Text: Mary Louise Bringle, ©2001 The Hymn Society (admin. Hope Publishing Co.); Music: Gustav Holst, 1906; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“As the Wind Song through the Trees”
Text: Shirley Erena Murray, 2004; Music: Lim Swee Hong, 2004; ©2005 Hope Publishing Company; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

Romance sans paroles Op. 17, No. 3
Composed by Gabriel Fauré, 1878

“Praise Him, Praise Him”
Text: Fanny J Crosby, Bright Jewels for the Sunday School, 1869; Music: Chester G Allen, Bright Jewels for the Sunday School, 1869

“Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah”
Text: based on Psalm 148; The Book of Psalms, 1871; adapt. William J Kirkpatrick, ca. 1893; Music: William J Kirkpatrick, ca. 1893

“Praise God (Dedication Anthem)”
Text: Thomas Ken, A Manual of Prayers…, 1695, alt.; Music: Lowell Mason’s Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collection…, 9th ed., 1830

What you talkin' 'bout?

Pastor Glenn preached from John 6:1-21 with a sermon titled “What you talkin’ ‘bout?”. In this text we encounter a Jesus who refuses to follow the rules.

Music Acknowledgements

“When in Our Music God Is Glorified”
Text: Fred Pratt Green, 1972, The Hymn, 1973, ©1972 Hope Publishing Co.; Music: Charles V Stanford, Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1904; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Brethren, We Have Met to Worship”
Text: George Askins, Social and Camp-Meeting Hymns for the Pious, 1817, alt.; Music: The Columbian Harmony, 1825

“Spirit of the Living God”
Text: Daniel Iverson, Revival Songs, 1929; Music: Daniel Iverson, Revival Songs, 1929; arr. Herbert G Tovey; ©1935, 1963 Birdwing Music and BWG Songs, Inc.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through CCLI License #200093153

“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Text: Thomas O Chisholm, Songs of Salvation and Service, 1923; Music: William M Runyan, Songs of Salvation and Service, 1923; ©1923, renewed 1951, Hope Publishing Company; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Let Us Build a House”
Text & Music: Marty Haugen; ©1994 GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Down by the Riverside”
African American Spiritual; arr. EP Smeltzer

Jeremiah 23:1-6

Pastor Claudia preached from Jeremiah 23:1-6.

Music Acknowledgements

“Come, We That Love”
Text: Isaac Watts, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1707, alt; refrain Robert Lowry; Music: Robert Lowry, 1867, The Victory, 1869

“Be Thou My Vision”
Text: Irish traditional, “Rob tum o bhoile, a Comdi cride,” ca. 8th c.; trans. Mary Elizabeth Byrne, Ériu, Vol. 2, 1905, alt.; Music: Irish traditional, Old Irish Folk Music and Songs, 1909; harm. Martin Shaw, Enlarged Songs of Praise, 1931, alt., ©1927 Oxford University Press; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“The Lord’s My Shepherd”
Text: based on Psalm 23; The Psalms of David in Meeter, 1650; Music: Jessie S Irvine, 1872; harm. And adapt. David Grant, The Northern Psalter, 1872

“My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”
Text: based on Psalm 23; Isaac Watts, Psalms of David…, 1719, alt.; Music: American traditional, early 19th c., version from Joseph Funk’s Genuine Church Music, 1st ed., 1832; harm. J Harold Moyer, 1965, ©1969 Faith & Life Press/Mennonite Publishing House; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“The Lord Bless You and Keep You”
Text: based on Numbers 6:24-26, Peter C Lutkin, 1900; Music: Peter C Lutkin, 1900

Amos 7:7-15

Pastor Claudia preached from Amos 7:7-15.

Music Acknowledgements

“Christ Is Alive, and Goes Before Us”
Text: Brian Wren, ©1983 Hope Publishing Co; Music: Lori True, ©2003 GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Let Justice Roll Like a River”
Text: Marty Haugen, based on Amos 5:21-24, 8; 4; Micah 4:3-4, 6; 8; Joel 2:12-14; Music: Marty Haugen; ©1991 GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Mayenziwe (Your Will Be Done)”
Text: from the Lord’s Prayer; Music: South African traditional, as taught by George Mxadana; transcribed John L Bell, 1988; ©1990 WGRG The Iona Community, GIA Publications, Inc, agent; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“As Rain From the Clouds”
Text: Delores Dufner, OSB; ©1983, 1998 admin. GIA Publications, Inc.; Music: English traditional; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

Learning to Love the Heck Out of Each Other

Charlie Ferguson preached from 1 Peter 4:7-11, Mark 1:40-45, and Mark 10:42-45.

Music Acknowledgements

“One Is the Body”
Text: based on Ephesians 4:4-13, John L Bell; Music: John L Bell; ©1997, 2002 WGRG, Iona Community (admin. GIA Publications, Inc); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Will You Let Me Be Your Servant”
Text: Richard Gillard, 1976, alt.; Music: Richard Gillard, 1976; adapt. Betty Pulkingham; ©1977 Scripture in Song (admin. Capitol CMG Publishing); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through CCLI License #200093153

“Holy Spirit, Come to Us”
Text: adapt. from Latin liturgy, ca. 10th c.; John 13:35; 15:12-13; 1 John 3:16; 4:10, 16; Music: Jacques Berthier; ©1998 Les Presses de Taizé (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Praise God” (Dedication Anthem)
Text: Thomas Ken, A Manual of Prayers…, 1695, alt.; Music: Lowell Mason’s Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collection…, 9th ed., 1830

Lamentations 3:22-33

Pastor Claudia preached from Lamentations 3:22-33.

Music Acknowledgements

“Come, Gracious Spirit”
Text: Simon Browne, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1720, alt.; Music: William B Bradbury, The Jubilee, 1858

“Let Us Build a House”
Text & Music: Marty Haugen; ©1994 GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Be Still and Know”
Text: Psalm 46:10; Music: anon.; arr. Jack Schrader, 1988; ©1989 Hope Publishing Company; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Joys Are Flowing like a River”
Text: Manie P Ferguson, ca. 1897, alt.; Music: W S Marshall, ca. 1897; adapt. James M Kirk, 1900

1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 18:10-16

Pastor Claudia preached from 1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 18:10-16.

Music Acknowledgements

“Holy Spirit, Come to Us”
Text: adapt. from Latin liturgy, ca. 10th c.; John 13:35; 15:12-13; 1 John 3:16; 4:10, 16; Music: Jacques Berthier; ©1998 Les Presses de Taizé (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Holy Spirit, Come with Power”
Text: Anne Neufeld Rupp, ©1970 Anne Neufeld Rupp; Music: attr. BF White, The Sacred Harp, 1844; harm. Joan Fyock Norris, ©1989 Joan Fyock Norris; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Nada te turbe”
Text: Spanish; attr. Teresa of Ávila, 16th c.; paraphr. Taizé Community, 1986; Music: Jacques Berthier, 1986; ©1986, 1991 Les Presses de Taizé (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens”
Text: Catherine Cameron, 1967, Contemporary Worship I, 1969, alt., ©1967 Hope Publishing Co.; Music: The Columbian Harmony, 1825; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084