FMC’s Black History Month Guest Preacher Series starts with Abby Endashaw, Young Adult Programs Coordinator for Mennonite Central Committee Central States.
Abby preached from John 2:13-22.
Today’s Music:
“O Great Spirit”
Text & Music: adapt. Doreen Clellamin, from a song by Nuxalk young people; Music transcribed by Pablo Sosa; ©1994 Doreen Clellamin
“Herr, füll mich neu (Fill Me Anew)”
Text & Music: German- Jesus-Bruderschaft, Gnadenthal; ©1978 Jesus-Bruderschaft e.V., Gnadenthal, Germany; Music harm. Klaus Heizmann, 2004; harm. © Haus der Musik, Wiesbaden, Germany; Text translation and translation copyright ©2006 Jean Janzen, Kenneth Nafziger, and Randall Spaulding; All rights reserved.; Translation reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE #A-731084
“Abana alathi (Abana in Heaven)”
Text: Arabic; based on Matthew 6:9-31; Laila Constantine; trans. and adapt. Anne Emile Zaki, Emily Brink, and Greg Scheer, trans. and adapt. ©2008 Faith Alive Christian Resources; Music: Laila Constantine; ©2002 Songs of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Egypt (admin. Faith Alive Christian Resources); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE #A-731084
“God Welcomes All / Amen”
Text: John L Bell; Music: South African traditional; transcribed by John L Bell; ©2008 WGRG, Iona Community (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.); All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission through ONE LICENSE #A-731084
African American Spiritual; arr. EP Smeltzer
Performed by the Spirituals Project Choir at Celebration Hall, 2006
“Rise, Shine For Thy Light is a Comin’”
African American Spiritual; arr. EP Smeltzer
Performed by the Spirituals Project Choir at Celebration Hall, 2006