Pastor Glenn preached from Mark 1:21-28.
Featured in today’s service:
“Could It Be That God Is Singing”
Text: Becca J R Lachman; ©2004 Becca J R Lachman, rev. 2018; Music: Southern Harmony, 1854; arr. Alice Parker, ©2008 Alice Parker
Too Short
Written by Stephen S Pearce; Illustrated by Audrey Rosenthal; ©1985
“Whatsoever You Do”
Text: Willard F Jabusch, based on Matthew 25:31-46; Music: Willard F Jabusch; harmonized by Robert J Batastini; Text & Music ©1966, 1982 Willard F Jabusch; admin. OCP; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“Word and Sign”
Text: Adam M L Tice ©2016; Music: Benjamin Bergey ©2019; GIA Publications, Inc.; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084
“Going Home”
Music: Wayne Gratz
“To God Be the Glory”
Text: Franny J Crosby, 1875; Music: William H Doane, 1875; Public Domain