Pastor Claudia preached from Mark 1:14-20.
Today’s Music:
“I Sing the Mighty Power of God”
Text: Isaac Watts; Music: harmonized by William H Monk; Public Domain
“Let There Be Light, Lord God”
Text: William M Vories; Music: Charles H C Zeuner; Public Domain
“They That Wait Upon the Lord”
Text: Stuart Hamblen (chorus of song “Teach Me, Lord, to Wait”); Music: Stuart Hamblen; ©1953, renewed 1981 Hamblen Music Co.; Streamed and reprinted by permission through CCLI License #200093153.
“Guide My Feet”
Text & Music: African American Spiritual; Harmonization by Wendell Whalum; Public Domain
“Good News! Chariot’s A-Comin’”
Text & Music: African American Spiritual; Arranged by Arlen Hershberger