It is 2019. Is faith even a thing anymore? If so, what does it mean to be a person of faith? Glenn Balzer looks at Hebrews 11:1-3, 29-12:2.
Glenn Balzer preaches from Luke 12:13-21 which calls us to be a people of generosity, love, and selflessness.
To be Clay in the Potter's Hand
Zach Martinez preaches from Jeremiah 18:1-10. In 2017, the Washington Post reported that, given declining trends in church attendance, the mainline Protestant Church has 23 years until its attendance is effectively zero. How does the Church confront this information with hope? Is it possible that hope doesn't mean everything turns out "okay"?
Sharing Everything
Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava preaches from Acts 2:43-47. After Pentecost, the followers of Jesus make bold decisions about how to live out his teachings. Are we willing to follow Jesus with such boldness?
Rules & Loopholes
A man walks up to Jesus and asks him what he must do to inherit eternal life. He wanted to know the rules. Instead of providing a list of regulations, Jesus tells a story about a traveler, some religious people, and a Samaritan. Glenn Balzer explores Luke 10:25-37.
MYF Guatemala MCC Learning Tour
The MYF reports on their experiences and learnings from their MCC Learning Tour to Guatemala focused on the root causes of migration.
Scriptures: Mark 1:13-16 and Matthew 10:26-28
Find audio on the FMC member’s page.
One in Christ: Mennonite Identity and Inclusion
Jordan Penner preaches from Galatians 3:23-28. Why am I always talking about Mennonites to strangers? What does it mean to be a church and faith community? Why is church relevant to our lives today?
The Church's Missionary Work
Moses Simbeye, a participant in Mennonite Central Committee’s International Volunteer Exchange Program, speaks on the church’s missionary work using Isaiah 58:6-7 as his text.
A Father's Day Story
In Genesis 22:1-14 we uncover a Father’s Day story. Through this text, Glenn Balzer explores how certainty and guilt shape our faith.
Does God have an Agenda?
Does God have an agenda? In the Pentecost story we catch a glimpse of God’s dream for us and the world. Glenn Balzer considers Acts 2:1-21 and examines what it means to speak in tongues!