How do we live into hope when despair is all around us? How do we live out our all to be people of peace serving the Prince of Peace in a culture of violence? Listen as we study the words of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 2:1-5).
Beyond Forgiveness?
Not only does this Sunday mark the end of the church year, but it is a reminder that our faith commitments transcend earthly allegiances. Being a people of faith means that we have different priorities. Forgiveness transcends vengeance, our common faith crosses borders, and love triumphs over hate. We celebrate the end of this church year by exploring forgiveness through the lens of Luke 23:33-43.
The End?
What do we do when everything we hold dear crumbles and falls? Is it possible that brokenness is not an end, but rather an opportunity for new life and new beginnings? Pastor Glenn Balzer considered these and other questions through the lens of Luke 21:5-19.
Deep Calls to Deep
Darren Knowles spoke from Psalm 42. We looked at the idea of presence- our presence and God’s in the world today.
When the Saints Go Marching In
As we remember our ancestors, we can honor the past and march into an exciting future.
Scripture: Matthew 1:1-7
Sin Boldly
Listen as Pastor Claudia explores the topic of sin: what it is and how to do it… Jokes aside, we looked at this doctrine that has shaped theologies and cultures and continues to do so.
Scripture: 1 John 1:8-2:2 and Luke 8:9-14
Who's Your God?
Pastor Glenn grew up in a faith tradition shaped by fear, particularly of God and what God might do to him. On top of this, there was lots of groveling- just hoping that God might finally be listening. Listen as Glenn explored the role of fear and groveling through the lens of Luke 18:1-8.
Welcoming Exiles
Pastor Claudia looked at Jeremiah 29:4-7 and explored these questions: What do you do when you find yourself in a new land? How long does exile last? Is exile God’s will? How do exiles coexist with their enemies?
Installation Service for Claudia Aguilar
We celebrate and welcome Pastor Claudia Aguilar during this special service of installation! Charlene Epp will preach, with the reminder that it’s not about us. Like John the Baptist, we are called to use our gifts with humility and joy.
Scripture: John 3:26-31
Radical Inclusion- Really?
How are we supposed to treat others? Does God’s love really extend to all? When given a choice we are called to love radically and inclusively. Listen as we explore Luke 6:27-36.