Pastor Claudia preached from John 14:1-14.
A New Normal
Pastor Glenn preached from Acts 2:42-47, a new normal. There has been much conversation about a new normal that will emerge on the other side of COVID-19. Sunday’s text offers one possible vision for a new normal.
Road to Emmaus
Pastor Claudia preached from Luke 24:13-35, the road to Emmaus.
The Valley of Fear and Doubt
Pastor Glenn preached from John 20:19-31. In a world committed to facts, science, and certainty, what do we do with doubt, mystery, and resurrection?
Easter 2020
Pastor Claudia preached from John 20:1-18 as we celebrated Easter.
Good Friday 2020
Pastors from across Mountain States Mennonite Conference contributed to a Good Friday podcast. It includes scripture, reflections, and music to help us remember Jesus’ death on the cross and burial.
Real Life
Pastor Glenn preached from Matthew 26:14-27:66. This is the longest lesson of the year- the dramatic, all to real accounting of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion.
Bones and Valleys
Pastor Claudia Aguilar led us in a reflection on Ezekiel 37:1-14. This week, we ask that you prepare for worship at home by choosing a spot in your house where you feel peace, have paper and a writing utensil at hand (you will use it!), and, if possible, a Bible or online Bible near you (you will use it!).
You are light
Pastor Claudia preached from Ephesians 5:8-14.
Eight Words
Pastor Glenn preached from Mark 1:40-45 and considered creativity in a time of COVID-19.
The worship bulletin includes lyrics to the hymns used this week and giving instructions.