Pastor Claudia preached from Jeremiah 20:7-13.
God Hears Me!
Pastor Glenn preached from Psalm 116:1-2. God hears me! There is no greater gift than to be listened to. This meditation explores the power of deep listening.
God of Love and Peace
Pastor Claudia preached from 2 Corinthians 13:11-13.
Baccalaureate 2020
Join us as we celebrate FMC students graduating from high school! We will hear from the graduates before sending them off with a meditation and charge based on Jeremiah 1:4-10.
Baccalaureate is historically a worship service honoring God through the recognition of those earning high school, college, or post graduate degrees. This morning we celebrate Baccalaureate Sunday as an acknowledgment that God has graced us with the abilities to teach, learn, and grow “in stature and wisdom” (Luke 2:52). Baccalaureate services challenge us to bless God through the developing of the gifts we have been given. We are invited to acknowledge that our abilities are not just for personal use but God-given gifts to be shared in community. As we approach the transitions that graduations signify, our Baccalaureate worship affirms that God is with us throughout all our days.
Pastor Claudia preached from Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35.
Fully Present
Pastor Glenn preached from Matthew 6:25-34, considering what it means to be fully present. Our story this morning is both simple and to the point- quit worrying. This idea may have worked 2,000 years ago; it was a much simpler time. A time before globalization and pandemics. Is it possible that this text might have something to say to us today?
Pastor Claudia preached from John 14:1-14.
A New Normal
Pastor Glenn preached from Acts 2:42-47, a new normal. There has been much conversation about a new normal that will emerge on the other side of COVID-19. Sunday’s text offers one possible vision for a new normal.
Road to Emmaus
Pastor Claudia preached from Luke 24:13-35, the road to Emmaus.
The Valley of Fear and Doubt
Pastor Glenn preached from John 20:19-31. In a world committed to facts, science, and certainty, what do we do with doubt, mystery, and resurrection?