Amos 5:18-24

Pastor Claudia preached from Amos 5:18-24.

Music in this service:

“O Lord, Our Lord, How Majestic”

Text: based on Psalm 8, Michael W Smith; Music: Michael W Smith, arrangement by Martha Hershberger; Text and Music copyright ©1981 and arrangement ©1990 Meadowgreen Music Co.; Streamed and reprinted by permission through CCLI License #200093153.


“Let Justice Roll Like a River”

Text & Music: Marty Haugen; ©1991 GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved.; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084


“Jesus, Rock of Ages”

Text & Music: M Gerald Derstine; ©1973 c/o Mennonite Publishing House


“Be Thou My Vision”

Text: Ancient Irish, translation by Mary Elizabeth Byrne, 1905; Music: Irish melody, harmonized by Martin Shaw, 1931; Harmonization copyright © Oxford University Press; All rights reserved.; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084


“Lift Every Voice and Sing”

Text: James W Johnson; Music: J Rosamund Johnson; ©1921 Edward B Marks Music Company. Copyright renewed.; All rights reserved.; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084


Pastor Glenn preached from Hebrews 12:1-2 as we observed All Saints Day.

All Saints Day has been a very solemn and rich experience of remembering those who have gone before. The act of lighting candles in their honor and being surrounded by our church family who are doing the same thing has been a very worshipful time. We have few such times of quiet reflection and remembrance at FMC. Today we continue this tradition as we will hear the names of the cloud of witnesses that we are honoring.

Today’s Music

“Great is Thy Faithfulness”

Text: Thomas O Chisholm; Music: William Runyan; ©1923, renewal 1951 Hope Publishing Co.; All rights reserved.; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“My Latest Sun is Sinking Fast”

Text: Jefferson Hascall, 1860; Music: William B Bradbury, 1862; arranged by James E Clemens, 2004


“Steal Away”

Text & Music: African-American spiritual; Public Domain


“Asithi: Amen (Sing Amen)”

Text: South African hymn; Music: SC Molefe


“Holy, Holy, Holy!”

Music: John B Dykes, 1861; Public Domain

“Be Thou My Vision”

Music: Irish melody; harmonized by Martin Shaw, 1931; Harmonization copyright © Oxford University Press; All rights reserved.; Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-19

Pastor Claudia preached from Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-19.

Today’s Music:

“Holy God, We Praise thy Name”

Text: Te Deum Laudamus, tr. Clarence A Walworth; Music: Katholisches Gesangbuch, 1774; Public Domain

“What Does the Lord Require of You?”

Text: Jim Strathdee, based on Micah 6:8; Music: Jim Strathdee; ©1986 Desert Flower Music; All rights reserved. Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God”

Text: Edwin Hatch; Music: Irish melody; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“The Lord Lift You Up”

Text & Music: Patricia J Shelly; arr. By Dennis Friesen-Carper; ©1983 Patricia J Shelly

Matthew 22:15-22

Pastor Glenn preached from Matthew 22:15-22. Conflicting loyalties. What is the relationship between us, people of faith, and the state? How did Jesus deal with this tension?

Today’s Music:

“Come, Let Us All Unite to Sing”

Text: anonymous, attributed to Howard Kingsbury; Music: Edmund S Lorenz; Public Domain

“Come We that Love the Lord”

Text: Isaac Watts, refrain by Robert Lowry; Music: Robert Lowry; Public Domain

“I Bind My Heart this Tide”

Text: Lauchlan M Watt; Music: J Randall Zercher, ©1965 J Randall Zercher; Mennonite Hymnal, 1969

“The Lord Lift You Up”

Text & Music: Patricia J Shelly; arr. By Dennis Friesen-Carper; ©1983 Patricia J Shelly

Exodus 32:1-14

Pastor Claudia preached from Exodus 32:1-14.

Today’s Music:

To God be the Glory

Text: Franny J Crosby; Music: William H Doane; Public Domain

What Does the Lord Require of You?

Text: Jim Strathdee, based on Micah 6:8; Music: Jim Strathdee; ©1986 Desert Flower Music; All rights reserved.; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

Mayenziwe (Your Will Be Done)

Text: from the Lord’s Prayer; Music: South African traditional, as taught by George Mxadana; transcribed John L Bell, 1988; ©1990 WGRG c/o Iona Community, GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved.; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

Down by the Riverside

Text & Music: Traditional; Public Domain


Pastor Glenn preached from Matthew 21:33-46. What happens when all that you have worked for and valued is pushed aside, ignored, or even destroyed? Does our faith speak to this?

Today’s Music:

“Come and See

Text: based on John 1, Marilyn Houser Hamm; Music: Marilyn Houser Hamm; ©1974 Marilyn Houser Hamm

“Listen, God is Calling

Text: Tanzanian traditional, tr. Howard S Olson; Music: Tanzanian traditional, arr. by Austin C Lovelace; ©1993 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“Confitemini Domino (Come and Fill Our Hearts)”

Text & Music: Jacques Berthier; ©1981 Les Presses de Taize, GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved.; Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE, license #A-731084

“The Lord Lift You Up

Text & Music: Patricia J Shelly; arr. by Dennis Friesen-Carper; ©1983 Patricia J Shelly

An Unexpected Combination

Pastor Glenn Balzer preached from Matthew 18:15-20. We live in a world of unexpected combinations- country and rap music; M&Ms and pizza; and, Glenn’s favorite, peanut butter and bacon! This morning we want to consider another unexpected combination- love and judgment.

Several of today’s hymns are live recordings from FMC worship services in 2013 and 2015. They are not polished or perfect, but they showcase moments from one way FMC has worshiped together.